Melbourne Awards 2020 – Community Champions

Somali Community Inc. President Mr Farah Warsame received a Melbourne Awards 2020 Community Champions Certificate of Appreciation for his hard work and dedication to his community and the City of Melbourne. 2020 has been a challenging year but Mr Warsame’s continued efforts to better and support our communities throughout these difficult times has been inspiring. Congratulations Mr Warsame. We are excited for what the future holds.


Gudoomiyaha Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed (Somali Community Inc.) Mudane Farah Warsame ayaa la gudoonsiiyay abaalmarinta Melbourne Awards 2020 Community Champions Certificate of Appreciation, dadaalkiisa iyo u heelanida bulshadiisa iyo sidoo kale ka shaqeynta Magaalada Melbourne.

Sanadka 2020 wuxuu ahaa sanad dhib badan laakiin Mr. Farah wuxuu sii waday dadaalkiisa ku aadan wanaajinta iyo taageerida bulshada waxayna aheyd mid dhiirigelinteeda leh. Hambalyo Mudane Farah Warsame.