Somali Community Leader wins Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champions Award 2016

Somali Community congratulates  Mr. Farah Warsame the Somali Community Leader on being the recipient of the Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champions Awards 2016 in recognition of his hard work and dedication to his community for the past 10 years.

The Honourable Linda Dessau AM, Governor of Victoria, His Honour Judge Anthony Howard, Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos representing the Premier and Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers Gabrielle Williams, presented the awards to outstanding Victorians from all walks of life right across the state.

The Premier’s Volunteer Champions Awards are prestigious annual awards that formally recognise, thank and celebrate volunteers for the vital role they play in building and supporting stronger, healthier and more connected communities in Victoria.

More than 1.5 million Victorians participate in formal volunteering. These volunteering contributions were worth an estimated $23 billion to the state economy and are projected to increase to $42.1 billion by 2021.

Well done Mr Warsame, this is an amazing achievement and makes the Somali Community proud. Keep up the good work.


Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed waxay u hambalyeyneysaa Guddoomiyaha Jaaliyadda Soomaalida Mudane Faarax M Warsame oo ka mid noqday dadkii la siiyay Abaalmarinta qaaliga ah ee Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champions Awards 2016.

Guddoomiyaha ayaa abaalmarintan lagu guddoonsiiyay kadib howshii baaxadda laheyd ee uu ka soo qabtay Jaaliyadda mudadii 10-ka sano ka badneyd ee uu kasoo shaqeynayay.

Hon.  Linda Dessau AM, Governorka Victoria, Hon Judge Anthony Howard, Wasiiradda qoyska & caruurta Hon. Jenny Mikakos oo wakiil ka aheyd premier-ka Victoria & sidoo kale Secretery-ga Baarlamaanka ee arrimaha volunteer-ka Gabrielle Williams ayaa abaalmarinada dadka mutaystay guddoonsiinayay.

Abaalmarintan ayaa ah midda ugu qiimaha badan ee State-kan laga bixiyo, waxaana la siiyaa dadka sida mutadawacnimada ugu soo shaqeeyay bulshada qeybaheeda kala duwan.

Aad ayaan ugu hambalyeyneynaa Guddoomiye Faarax & Abaalmarinta qaaliga ah ee uu muteystay.

Sawirada hoos ka eeg 

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