Thank You to Our Heros!

We’re truly grateful for all of the brave men and women who have put their lives on the line to save the lives of the people and animals as well as the properties. Thank you All.
If you want to donate, please donate below. And also please share with your friends and families who want to donate.

Waxaan mahadsanid leenahay dadkii naftooda u huray rag & dumar si ay u badbaadiyaan nolosha bani’aadamka & xayawaanka iyo sidoo kale hantida dadweynaha.
Haddaad rabto in aad wax uun ku tabarucdo oo aad gacan ka geysato dabka ka holcaya Australia, fadlan halkan ka tabaruc, una gudbi saaxiibada doonaya in ay wax tabarucaan.…/bushfir…/
